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What Are the Lease Option Benefits to Landlord/Sellers?



•    Huge market of buyers all the time.  There is never a shortage of people who want to purchase homes, but for whatever reason are unable to do so in a conventional manner.



•    No management headaches.  Investor handles the minimal management required.



•    No realtor commissions.  Landlord/seller can save the usual 5%-6% commissions.


•    Higher quality of tenant.  Because the tenant is the future owner of the house and has been screened accordingly, there is little concern for damage to the property.


•    Less vacancy time.  The lease/option attracts a greater number of interested buyers who are looking to move in quickly.


•    Positive cash flow.  Landlord/seller will receive a monthly cash flow from the tenant/buyer, rather than having the house sitting vacant with a mortgage payment due.


•    Seller retains tax shelter.  The same benefits that the seller has enjoyed in the past may still apply (seller should check with accountant for specifics)..

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