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Tenant- Buyer Program


We are 100% committed to purchasing real-estate investments that fit our criteria, and it is our goal to then sell these properties to deserving buyers through who may not meet the incredibly tight lending standards of today, but who are willing to take steps to improve their situation. We do this by offering alternative financing methods, such as lease-purchase options, and in some situations seller financing. Whether you are looking to buy a house or sell a house, we invite you to contact us first and experience the difference.

If you are looking to buy, you will see we are fair and easy to work with if you don’t have the best of credit, and most importantly, we want the process to go as smoothly and quickly as possible, so you can move on to your future goals.

We work with buyers who want to secure a home and live in it now. Don’t let your prior credit dings keep you from moving into the home of your dreams now. If you have bad credit, all that we ask is that you have a willingness to improve your credit-score so you can qualify for a loan at the end of the lease period. We have several resources to help you achieve this goal.

Lease Options give people a second chance to improve their credit while working towards the purchase of the home they desire to own.

Jesse B. Lucero 


Properties For Sale 

Tenant- Buyer Program

All properties sold on Lease Option 3% -5% or minimum of $5,000.00 deposit fully credited towards purchase price, plus first month rent is requirement on all properties. For more information please fill the application form below.

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